Is SRCS Right for Your Family?

Seven Rivers Christian School is on a bold mission. We exist in partnership with families to shape the hearts and minds of children with a distinctly biblical program of academic rigor, artistic beauty, and athletic competition. This mission statement highlights partnership. And partnership requires interaction, engagement, and effort by everyone in the relationship.
At Seven Rivers Christian School, we know that training up children is not just about the product, but also about the process. The many students and families who thrive in the Seven Rivers community value this process and see it as integral to the school's mission and vision. Because SRCS is academically rigorous, parents expect homework and value the core knowledge and discipline it teaches children. Younger students expect to read nightly, and older students expect difficult textbooks and challenging tests. Our faculty members are committed to preparing students for college; that begins in kindergarten--and never ends. Parents, school, and, over time, students embrace rigorous learning not merely as a means to an end--a job or the earning of credits--but as the necessary foundation for learning that will continue one's whole life. Because of this, SRCS parents, students, and faculty walk side by side when the lessons are easy and when the lessons are hard.
Our academic rigor promises to challenge and grow our students, just like our love for the arts and for athletic competition promises to stretch students and introduce them to a bigger world. But above all of this, we are a school passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. His grace, mercy, and hope are the light of the world, and our vision is to produce graduates who love His church and long to bring His peace to a broken world. In all subjects and all classes, we will teach students how to rely on Scripture as the standard for discerning truths from untruths. From Darwin to Steinbeck, we will study the significant ideas throughout history, but unlike an increasingly relative culture that relies on personal opinion and feelings, we will boldly proclaim right from wrong according to God's Word. We are committed to teaching students how to become discerning, educated thinkers and life-long learners, and we long to introduce students--sometimes for the first time--to their Creator Savior and the world He has made.
This is who we are. We are humbly, yet boldly, different. Are you looking for something different?
If you have the desire for something different and the commitment to see it through, we are humbly honored to help you prepare, stretch, and grow your child from the first days of preschool all the way to graduation.  If you long to contribute to a community where grace, love, and a passion for discerning God's truths guide us in training up and challenging the next generation, then Seven Rivers Christian School is the right choice.