K-12 Admissions
Admissions play a huge role in defining the culture of a school. Seven Rivers values relationships. Therefore, our admissions process reflects our mission and seeks students who not only can benefit and be blessed by our program, but who will also contribute to the fabric of our school community. Admissions decisions in grades K-12 are guided by the criteria listed below.
Admissions Criteria |
Academic Considerations
For students entering Kindergarten, a satisfactory readiness screening is required. In grades 1-12, an in-house academic screening will be conducted, including an evaluation of students' previous grades, standardized tests, and teacher recommendation.
Behavioral Considerations
Students must be in good standing with their current school. Students receiving significant discipline censure including expulsion, involuntary withdrawal, or repeated suspension - or students involved in criminal activity - will not be considered.
Responses from the family recommendation form and parent/student questionnaires allow us to begin to know the student and family.
Family Interview
The admissions team considers the information provided by families, teachers, and the student, along with personal interactions during the interview, to evaluate the family's compatibility with the school mission. The interview also affords a unique opportunity for reiterating the philosophy of SRCS, sharing information about our program and procedures, and beginning to build a partnership with the family.
Application Process |
If your child has an IEP, 504, Service Plan, or disciplinary report, these must be submitted to SRCS prior to filling out an application.
Admission Application and Fee
Applications for admission will not be considered without a fully completed and signed application form and the payment of a $125.00 non-refundable application fee.
Application for Tuition Assistance (optional)
Financial assistance applications are available online only through links on the website. Applications for assistance should be in process while the admissions application is under review. Please direct any questions to the finance office or consult the Tuition Assistance page for an explanation of available options.
Required Documents
Please refer to the Applicant Checklist for a list of required documents, which are available through the online application process. These forms can also be obtained at the school office, or we will gladly mail or email them on request.
Academic Screening
All previous student records will be thoroughly reviewed, and an appointment for academic screening will be scheduled.
Family Interview
New families will be contacted to schedule a family interview with the Admissions Team. Students in grades 6-12 are required to attend the interview.
Acceptance and Registration Fee
Families will be notified of the admissions decision by letter following the interview. Upon acceptance, parents have ten days to remit a $150.00 per student registration fee. A list of required documents for new student registration is attached in the sidebar. These documents must be received before the first day of school.
Applications for admission will not be considered without a fully completed and signed application form and the payment of a $125.00 non-refundable application fee.
Application for Tuition Assistance (optional)
Financial assistance applications are available online only through links on the website. Applications for assistance should be in process while the admissions application is under review. Please direct any questions to the finance office or consult the Tuition Assistance page for an explanation of available options.
Required Documents
Please refer to the Applicant Checklist for a list of required documents, which are available through the online application process. These forms can also be obtained at the school office, or we will gladly mail or email them on request.
Academic Screening
All previous student records will be thoroughly reviewed, and an appointment for academic screening will be scheduled.
Family Interview
New families will be contacted to schedule a family interview with the Admissions Team. Students in grades 6-12 are required to attend the interview.
Acceptance and Registration Fee
Families will be notified of the admissions decision by letter following the interview. Upon acceptance, parents have ten days to remit a $150.00 per student registration fee. A list of required documents for new student registration is attached in the sidebar. These documents must be received before the first day of school.