Statement of Faith

God is Triune

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are together one God in three distinct persons.


God is Creator

God created everything out of nothing, and everything He created is good. God created man in His own image, thus giving man dignity and worth.


God is Sovereign

God is the supreme ruler, absolutely in control of everything. He sustains all things by His power and orders all things for His own glory.


God is Truth

God is the source of all truth, which He reveals to man through His Word and through general revelation.


The Bible is God’s holy, infallible, and inerrant Word and is our only authority for life. Through the Bible, God reveals Himself to man so that man can understand, know, believe, and follow God.


God is Personal

God has no need of anything, yet He chooses to be actively involved with His creation, seeking personal relationship with His chosen people.


God is Merciful

Because of man’s fall from his original sinless state, every part of man is now affected by sin, rendering him unwilling and unable to come to God on his own, and leaving him destined for eternal separation from God.


Because of sin, no one deserves salvation, and there is nothing one can do to earn it, but because of God’s unfathomable love and mercy, He chose to rescue man from this fallen condition. This rescue was possible only through the death and resurrection of God’s son, Jesus Christ.


Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, those who respond to Jesus’ death in repentance and faith are cleansed from sin, the righteousness of Christ is applied to them, and they are given the gift of eternal life.



This is a concise summary of some of the major doctrines of Seven Rivers Christian School.

A more detailed statement of beliefs is found in The Westminster Confession of Faith

and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.